Wednesday, 24 October 2007


Audience - The audience is differnt individuals or groups targeted by the film producers as the consumers of the film. it's generally the people whom the film is targeted towards. Mean girls is a chick flick which is mainly targeted at teenage girls.

Genre - The genre is a caterogaory of media proiducts classed as being similar in form and type. ei. of genres are Films, magazines and television also the types of them and form such as televison progrramme documentaries. The genre for Mean girls is Drama comedy, classified under Chick flick (teen movie).

Idelogy- Ideology is a beliefs and values of something by a group of people who discuss what they think about a media text and the particular way of life including values and beliefs.

Key Concepts - Key Concepts is the main focusses on all the media studies, this includes focusinng on all aspects of audience, genre, ideology, institutions, language, narrative and represnetation.

Protagnist- Protagnists is the main character the hero of the film, this is selected by the audience whom the hero is, and from whose point of view the scene is focussed on, they would normally use this on a binary opposition against the antagonist. In Mean girls they uses Lindsay Lohan ( Cady) as the protagnist the hero of the film and Regina as the antagonist ( binary oppositions).

POV- Point of view shot is where the audience identify the scene from the charaters Prospects. Such as Lindsay lohan tells her story so it's shown from her POV in most scenes.

McGuffin- McGuffin is a term used by Alfred Hitchcock for red herring or distracting, irrelevant plot detail, which grabs viewers attention away from the main event occuring by making it to be improtant and turing it to be irrelevant.

Target audience - The target audience is main audience that the media text is aimed towards. Mean girls main target audience is teenage girls, buh as secondary it is also a family film as it's genre is drama comedy which could be targeted at family.

Sterotype - This is the social classification of a group of people identifyed as a common characterists. Such as 'dumb' blonde, this is used in mean girls as the girls are stated as 'Mean' girls and are 'dumb' blondes.

Voice over- The voice over is a actors voice over the film. In Mean girls the Voice over is Lindsay Lohan as she tells her story...

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